Kingdom of Bosporus under Romans
Asprugus, Gepaepyris, Mithradates III, Cotys I, Rhescuporis I, Sauromates I, Cotys II, Rhoemetalces, Eupator, Sauromates II, Rheskuporis II, Cotys III, Sauromates III, Ininthimeus, Rheskuporis IV, Pharsanzes, Sauromates IV, Teiranes, Thorthorses, Rhadamsadius, Rheskuporis V

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Asprugus 1-st reign 8 BC-14 AD; 2-nd reign 14-38 AD
Asprugus. 35-37 AD. Æ 12 Units. 21mm, 8.04g  Obv: TIBEPIOY KAIΣAPOΣ, head of Tiberius right, not laureate. Rev: monogram left, head of Asprugus right, IB right Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 319 (variant #1 - Tiberius head not laureate)
Asprugus. 35-37 AD. Æ 12
Units. left-21mm,7.00g; right-19mm,9.20g Obv: TIBEPIOY KAIΣAPOΣ, head of Tiberius right laureate. Rev: monogram left, head of Asprugus right, IB right. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 86') 319 (variant #2 - Tiberius head laureate)
Asprugus. 35-37 AD. Æ 12 Units left-21mm,6.88g ; right-21mm,6.40g Obv: TIBEPIOY KAIΣAPOΣ, head of Tiberius right, laureate. Rev: monogram to the right reversedhead of Asprugus left, BI lower left Ref: Unlisted (variant #3- Asprugus head left, monogram right reversed)
Asprugus. 37-38 AD. Æ 12 Units.21mm, 7.86g Obv: ΓAIOV KAIΣAPOΣ ΓEPMANIKOV, head of Caligula right, not laureate. Rev: monogram BAP left, head of Asprugus right, IB rightRef: Anokhin (Bosp.86') 320
Pantikapaion (as Caesarea). 37-38 AD. Æ 8 Units, 21mm, 8.93g. Obv: Bust of Aphrodite Apatura right, draped, wearing head veil over calathus. Rev: KAIΣAPEON, H scepter with pomegranate flower, no pellets. Ref: Unlisted variant (?) (variant #1 - O (?) in the legend)
Pantikapaion (as Caesarea). 37-38 AD. Æ 8 Units, 21mm, 6.60g. Obv: Bust of Aphrodite Apatura right, draped, wearing head veil over calathus. Rev: KAIΣAPEΩN, H scepter with pomegranate flower, no pellets. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 322 (variant #2 - no pellets)
Pantikapaion (as Caesarea). 37-38 AD. Æ 8 Units, 22mm, 6.50g. Obv: Bust of Aphrodite Apatura right, draped, wearing head veil over calathus. Rev: KAIΣAPEΩN, H scepter with pomegranate flower, one pellet lower left. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 322 a (variant #3 - one pellet lower left)
Pantikapaion (as Caesarea). 37-38 AD. Æ 8 Units, 23mm, 6.20g. Obv: Bust of Aphrodite Apatura right, draped, wearing head veil over calathus. Rev: KAIΣAPEΩN, H scepter with pomegranate flower, two pellets lower left. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 322 a (variant #4 - two pellets lower left)
Asprugus. 16-17 AD. AU Stater.19mm, 4.83g Obv: Head of Augustus or Tiberius(?) right Rev: monogram BAP left, head of Agrippa(?) right, ΓIT Ref: McDonalds 278 (NOTE: this is Carl Wilhelm Becker's counterfeit - metal silver)
Gepaepyris 37-39 AD:
Gepaepyris. 37- 39AD. Æ 12 Units. left-24mm,6.79g ; right-24mm,5.90g Obv: BACIΛICCHC ΓHΠAIΠVPЄΩC, draped bust of Gepaepyris r Rev: Head of Aphrodite Apatura wearing calathus and veil r, IB left Ref: Anokhin  (Bosp. 86') 326 (variant #1 - IB left)
Gepaepyris. 37- 39AD. Æ 12 Units. 23mm, 8.23g Obv: BACIΛICCHC ΓHΠAIΠVPЄΩC, draped bust of Gepaepyris r Rev: Head of Aphrodite Apatura wearing calathus and veil r, IB right Ref: Anokhin  (Bosp. 86') 326 (variant #2 - IB right)
Gepaepyris. 37- 39AD. Æ 12 Units. left-21mm,6.12g;right-25mm,10.05g Obv: BACIΛICCHC ΓHΠAIΠVPЄΩC draped bust of Gepaepyris r. Rev: Head of Aphrodite Apatura wearing calathus and veil r, amphora left, IB right Ref: Anokhin (Bosp 86') 326 Unlisted (variant #3 - amphora left, IB right)
Mithradates III 39 - 42 AD:
Mithradates III. 39-42AD. Æ Assarion 23mm, 7.80g. Obv: BACIΛЄΩC MIΘPIΔATOY, laureate head of Mithradates right. Rev: IB, lion's skin on a club, trident right, quiver left Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 330 variant #1 - legend staring to the right of the head
Mithradates III. 39-42AD. Æ Assarion 25mm, 9.55g. Obv: BACIΛЄΩC MIΘPIΔATOY, laureate head of Mithradates right. Rev: IB, lion's skin on a club, trident right, quiver left Ref:Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 330 Unlisted variant #2 - legend staring to the left of the head
Mithradates III. 39-42AD. Æ Assarion left-24mm,6.94g ; right-25mm,14.67g Obv: BACIΛЄΩC MIΘPIΔATOY (worn), laureate head of Mithradates right. Rev: BACIΛICCHC ΓHΠAIΠVPЄΩC, IB, draped bust of Gepaepyris right Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 331

Cotys I. 48-49 AD (Claudian issues). Æ 12 Units. 25mm, 7.95g. Obv: IB TI KLAVΔIOV KAICAPOC, laureate head of Claudius right. Rev: IOVΛIAN AΓPIППINAN KAICAPOC, monogram, bust of Agrippina II right, draped. Ref: Unlisted Type (Agrippina's bust right)
Cotys I 45/46 AD - 62/63 AD:
Eunice wife of Cotys I. 68-69 AD. Æ 24 Units 24mm, 8.20g. Obv: KA-ПE, temple with five columns Rev: Monogram of Eunice, KΔ below, in wreath. Ref: MacDonald 337/1
Cotys I. 68-69 AD. Æ 24 Units 27mm, 13.68g. Obv: KA-ПE, temple with five columns Rev: Monogram, KΔ below, in wreath. Ref: MacDonald 336
Roman Intervention. 62-68 AD. Æ 24 Units 25mm, 6.70g. Obv: NEPωNOC KAICAPOC (worn), bust of Nero right, wearing laurel wreath. Rev: Nike advancing left, holding wreath and palm, K to the left, Δ to the right. Ref: MacDonald 335
Roman Intervention. 62-68 AD. Æ 48 Units 29mm, 11.00g. Obv: NEPωNOC KΛAVΔIOV KAICAPOC CEVACTOY (worn), bust of Nero right, wearing laurel wreath. Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 334
Cotys I. 54-56 AD (Neronian issues). Æ 12 Units. 23mm, 8.26g. Obv: NEPΩNOC KLAVΔIOV CEBACTOV KAICAPOC, youthful bust of Nero right. Rev: IB AΓPIППINAC CEBACTHC, monogram, bust of Agrippina II left, draped. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 86') 350, MacDonald 331
Cotys I. 49-54 AD (Claudian issues). Æ 12 Units. 23mm, 5.64g. Obv: IB TI KLAVΔIOV CEBACTOV KAICAPOC, head of Claudius right. Rev: IOVΛIAN AΓPIППINAN CEBACTHN, monogram, bust of Agrippina II left, draped. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 86') 349, MacDonald 327 (NOTE: monogram incorrect, it should be #17) legend "CEBACTOV" with V
Cotys I. 49-54 AD (Claudian issues). Æ 12 Units. 23mm, 6.45g. Obv: IB TI KLAVΔIOV KAICAPOC, laureate head of Claudius right. Rev: IOVΛIAN AΓPIППINAN CEBACTHN, monogram, bust of Agrippina II left, draped. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 86') 348, MacDonald 326 (NOTE: monogram incorrect, it should be #17)
Cotys I. 49 AD (Claudian issues). Æ 8 Units. 18mm, 3.00g. Obv: BPITANNIKOV KAICAPOC, bare head of Britannicus right. Rev: Head of Cotys I wearing diadem, monogram left, H denomination mark right Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 86') 345, MacDonald 328
Cotys I. 49 AD (Claudian issues). Æ 12 Units. 24mm, 9.29g. Obv: IB TI KLAVΔIOV KAICAPOC, laureate head of Claudius right. Rev: IOVΛIAN AΓPIППINAN KAICAPOC, monogram, bust of Agrippina II left, draped. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 86') 344, MacDonald 325
Rhescuporis I 69 AD - 91/92 AD:
Rhescuporis I. 86-92 AD. Æ 48 Units 26mm, 10.50g. Obv: ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΥ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕΟC ΡΗCΚΟΥΠΟΡΙΔΟC, curule chair with wreath; shield with spear in field to left; scepter tipped with bust of Roman emperor to right. Rev: MH within wreath Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 377
Rhescuporis I. 86-92 AD. Æ 48 Units 27mm, 11.43g. Obv: ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΥ ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΒΑCΙΛΕΟC ΡΗCΚΟΥΠΟΡΙΔΟC (worn), curule chair with wreath; shield with spear in field to left; scepter tipped with bust of Roman emperor to right. Rev: HM within wreath Ref: Unlisted type (HM)
Rhescuporis I. 86-92 AD. Æ 48 Units 28mm, 7.58g Obv: ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟC ΙΟΥΛΙΟC ΒΑCΙΛΕYC ΡΗCΚΟΥΠΟΡΙC, bust of Rhescuporis right wearing diadem, club behind, trident in front of bust Rev: Rhescuporis on horse galloping right, wielding javelin, MH denomination mark below Ref: Anokhin (Bosp 86') 385, MacDonald 364
Rhescuporis I. 86-92 AD. Æ 24 Units left-25mm,4.90g  ; right-23mm,6.00g Obv: ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟC ΙΟΥΛΙΟC ΒΑCΙΛΕYC ΡΗCΚΟΥΠΟΡΙC (worn), bust of Rhescuporis r., draped, w. diadem Rev: Bust of Aphrodite Apatura, draped. Denomination marks K left, Δ right Ref: Anokh (Bosp 86') 386
Sauromates I. 93-96 AD (1-st series). Æ 48 Units 27mm, 10.03g. Obv: TI IOYΛIOC BACIΛЄΩC CAYPOMATHC (worn), bust of king left. Rev: MH, Nike holding palm and wreath advancing left, within wreath. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 415
Sauromates I 93/94 AD - 123/124 AD:
Sauromates I. 93-96 AD (2-nd series). Æ 48 Units 27mm, 11.40g. Obv: TI IOYΛIOC BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king left. Rev: MH within wreath Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 419
Sauromates I. 96-98 AD (3-th series, 2-nd release). Æ 48 Units 27mm, 13.02g. Obv: TIBEPIOC IOYΛIOC BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATHC, Sauromates seated right on curule chair, holding scepter tipped with bust of Roman emperor. Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 425
Sauromates I. 104-117 AD (5-th series). Æ 48 Units 27mm, 11.33g. Obv: TI IOYΛIOC BACIΛЄY CAYPOMATHC, bust of king right. Rev: MH, Nike holding palm and wreath advancing left. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 442
NOTE: Catalog legend description is BACIΛЄYC- incorrect, catalog photo shows BACIΛЄY - correct
Sauromates I. 104-117 AD (5-th series). Æ 48 Units. 24mm, 10.2g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC CAYPωMATHC, bust of king right Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: Frolova Т.I tabl. XLV 4-6
Sauromates I. 104-117 AD (5-th series). Æ 48 Units. 26mm, 9.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC CAYPOMATHC, bust of king right Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 445
Sauromates I. 104-117 AD (5-th series). Æ 48 Units. 27mm, 11.74g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC CAYPOMATHC, bust of king right Countermark (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle. Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 445. (Unlisted variant - Countermark of Septimius Severus)
Countermark on obverse - head of Septimius Severus
Sauromates I. 104-117 AD (5-th series). Æ 48 Units. left-26mm,6.71g ; right-30mm,12.95g Obv: BACIΛЄYC CAYPYMATHC (worn), bust of king right Rev: HM within wreath. Ref: Unlisted type (HM within wreath)
Sauromates I. 98-124 AD (7-th series) Æ 26mm, 5.72g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC CAYPωMATHC, bust of king right Rev: Head of Trajan right, inbetween MH Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 447
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (9-th series) Æ 48 Units. 26mm, 9.30g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right Rev: MH, Nike holding palm and wreath advancing left. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 458
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (9-th series) Æ 48 Units. 26mm, 8.29g Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right Rev: MH, round shield with spear; horses head and axe in field to left; head in helmet and sword in field to right Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 459
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (10-th series) Æ 48 Units. 25mm, 11.70g Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right Rev: MH, round shield with spear; horses head and axe in field to left; head in helmet and sword in field to right Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 464
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (11-th series, 1-st issue) Æ 48 Units. 24mm, 7.30g. Obv:BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, trident before, club after bust Rev: MH, Nike holding palm and wreath advancing left. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 465
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (11-th series). Æ 48 Units. 24mm, 9.15g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: MacDonald 398/5
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (11-th series). Æ 48 Units. 24mm, 10.68g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, trident before, club behind bust Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: MacDonald 398/7 (variant #1 - trident and club)
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (11-th series). Æ 48 Units. 26mm, 9.40g Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, club behind bust Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: MacDonald 398/7 Unlisted variant (variant #2 - club only (?)
Sauromates I. 117-123 AD (11-th series). Æ 48 Units. 26mm, 9.74g Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, club behind bust Rev: MH within wreath. Countermark (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle. Ref: MacDonald 398/7 Unlisted variant (variant #3 - Countermark of Septimius Severus)
Sauromates I. 98-103/104 AD (4-th series) Æ 48 Units.26mm, 11.00g Obv: T.IOYΛIOY BACIΛЄO CAVPOMATOY, curule chair with wreath, shield with spear in field left; scepter tipped with bust of Roman emperor right Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: MacDonald 408/1 Unlisted variant (No "C" at the end of the legend BACIΛЄOC)
Sauromates I. 117/118-123 AD (11-th series) Æ 48 Units.24mm, 7.86g Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAVPωMATOY, curule chair with wreath, shield with spear in field left; scepter tipped with bust of Roman emperor right Rev: MH within wreath. Ref: MacDonald 408/5
Cotys II 123/124 AD - 132/133 AD:
Rhoemetalces 131/132 AD - 153/154 AD:
Cotys II. 123-132 AD. Æ 48 Units 23mm, 8.08g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, bust of king right Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 431/1
Cotys II. 123-132 AD. Æ 48 Units 22mm, 7.81g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, bust of king right, trident before Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 431/2
Cotys II. 123-132 AD. Æ 48 Units 24mm, 11.03g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, bust of king right, trident before, club behind bust Rev: MH, Nike holding palm and wreath advancing left. Ref: MacDonald 434/3
Cotys II. 123-132 AD. Æ 48 Units 26mm, 10.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, wreath on curule chair, scepter tripped with bust of Roman emperor right, shield and spear left. Rev: MH within wreathbelow. Ref: MacDonald 435
Cotys II. 123-132 AD. Æ 48 Units 25mm, 6.85g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, wreath on curule chair, scepter tripped with bust of Roman emperor right, shield and spear left. Rev: Shield and spear at the center, head in helmet and sword in scabbard right, horse's head and battle-axe left, MH below. Ref: MacDonald 436
Rhoemetalces. 131-154 AD Æ 48 Units. 24mm, 7.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC POIMHTAΛKOY, bust of king right Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 454/1 Unlisted variant (with Y in the legend BACIΛЄYC)
Rhoemetalces. 131-154 AD Æ 48 Units. 22mm, 7.71g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC POIMHTAΛKOY(worn), bust of king right. Countermark (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle. Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 454/1 Unlisted variant (Countermark head of Septimius Severus )
Rhoemetalces. 131-154 AD Æ 48 Units. 23mm, 7.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC POIMHTAΛKOY, bust of king right, trident right Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 454/2
Rhoemetalces. 131-136 AD Æ 48 Units. 25mm, 8.98g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC POIMHTAΛKOY (worn), bust of king right, trident right. Countermark (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle. Rev: MH, Nike holding wreath and palm advancing left. Ref:MacDonald 455/2 Unlisted variant (Countermark head of Septimius Severus)
Rhoemetalces. 136 AD Æ 48 Units. 21mm, 6.34g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC POIMHTAΛKOY, bust of king right, trident right Rev: MH, round shield with spear; horses head and axe in field to left; helmet and sword in field to right Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 523
Rhoemetalces. 133 AD (?) Æ 48 Units. 25mm, 8.77g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC POIMHTAΛKOY, wreath on curule chair, scepter tripped with bust of Roman emperor right, shield and spear left. Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 457,Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 527
Eupator 154/155 AD - 170/171 AD:
Eupator. 167-171 AD Æ 48 Units. 24mm, 8.65g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ЄYΠATOPOC, bust of Eupator on the left facing right, draped, wearing diadem vis-a-vis bust of Aphrodite Apatura on the right facing left, wearing head veil and mural crown. Rev: MH within wreath Ref: MacDonald 481,Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 552
Sauromates II 174/175 AD - 210/211 AD:
Sauromates II. 175-176 AD. Æ Sestertius 20mm, 4.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right Rev: MH within wreath, pellet between M and H Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 589, Anokhin (Bosporus 2011) 1851
Sauromates II. 180-192 AD. Æ Denarius 25mm, 6.70g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, rosette before Rev: Aphrodite seated on throne left, holding apple, wearing crown, star to the lower right.Two countermarks (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle, B in oval Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 616, MacDonald 543/1
Sauromates II. 180-192 AD. Æ Denarius, 144 Units (denomination mark PMΔ) 26mm, 11.68g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, rosette before Rev: Eagle standing quarter left, wings spread, head right, holding wreath, PM left and Δ right. Ref: MacDonald 544/2, Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 618a (variant #1 - PM left and Δ right)
Sauromates II. 180-192 AD. Æ Denarius, 144 Units (denomination mark PMΔ) 26mm, 9.47g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, rosette before Rev: Eagle standing quarter left, wings spread, head right, holding wreath, PM left and Δ right. Countermark - (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle. Ref: MacDonald 544/2, Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 618a (variant #2 - PM left and Δ right, Countermark- head of Septimius Severus)
Sauromates II. 180-192 AD. Æ Denarius, 144 Units (denomination mark PMΔ) 27mm, 12.9g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, rosette before Rev: Eagle standing quarter left, wings spread, head right, holding wreath, P left and MΔ right. Countermark - (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle. Ref: MacDonald 544/2, Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 618a (variant #3 - P left and MΔ right, Countermark - head of Septimius Severus)
Sauromates II. 180-192 AD. Æ Denarius, 144 Units (denomination mark PMΔ) 26mm, 10.3g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, rosette before Rev: Eagle standing quarter left, wings spread, head right, holding wreath, P and MΔ right. Countermark - (193-210 AD) head of Septimius Severus in laurel wreath in circle (?). Ref: MacDonald 544/2, Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 618a (variant #4 - P and MΔ right, Countermark - head of Septimius Severus)
Sauromates II. 193-210/11 AD. Æ 48 Units 21mm, 6.33g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem Rev: MH with head of Septimius Severus facing right above, wreath around Ref: MacDonald 518/3, Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 626
Rheskuporis II 211/212 AD - 228/229 AD:
Rheskuporis II. 211-218 AD Æ Denarii 23mm, 11.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄΩC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right. Rev: King on horseback right, hand raised in gesture of adoration, star below horse. Ref: MacDonald 567/1 (variant - Ω in legend)
Rheskuporis II. 211-218 AD Æ Denarii 23mm, 8.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC (worn), bust of king right. Rev: King on horseback right, hand raised in gesture of adoration, star below horse, countermark head of emperor in circle(?) -unidentified type Ref: MacDonald 567/1
Rheskuporis II. 211-227 AD Æ Denarii 22mm, 9.80g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale, star to the upper left (denomination mark). Ref: MacDonald 572/1 (variant #1- ω in legend, star to the upper left)
Rheskuporis II. 211-227 AD Æ Denarii 24mm, 9.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄΩC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale, star to the lower left. Ref: MacDonald 572/1 (variant #2 - Ω in legend, star to the lower left)
Rheskuporis II. 211-227 AD Æ Denarii 24mm, 12.60g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, crescent in front of bust? (barely visible). Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale No star (?) Ref: MacDonald 572/2 (variant - no star ?)  Unlisted variant (?)
Countermark - unlisted variant
Cotys III 227/228 AD - 233/234 AD:
Cotys III. 231-232 AD AR Stater 20mm, 5.24g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, bust of king right. Rev: HKФ (231/232), bust of draped emperor right, three pellets to the right. Ref: MacDonald 577 Unlisted variant (no sword in front of bust on obverse)
Cotys III. 227-234 AD (1-st issue) Æ Denarii 22mm, 9.72g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale, star to the left. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 662 (variant - star to the left)
Cotys III. 227-234 AD (1-st issue). Æ Denarii 23mm, 9.33g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC KOTYOC, bust of king right. Rev: King on horse right, right hand raised in gesture of adoration, left hand holding a spear, star beneath. Ref: Unlisted type
Sauromates III 229/230 AD - 231/232 AD:
Ininthimeus 234/235 AD - 238/239 AD:
Sauromates III. 230-231 AD AR Stater 20mm, 7.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of draped king right, wearing diadem, wreath before bust. Rev: ZKФ (230/231), bust of draped emperor right, two pellets in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 586/5
Sauromates III. 229-232 AD Æ Denarii 22mm, 10.70g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMAY, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale, star to the right. Ref: MacDonald 588 Unlisted variant
Ininthimeus. 234/235-238/239 AD. Æ Two Denarii 23mm, 8.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ININΘIMHYOY (worn), bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem, eagle left, head turned right, holding wreath in beak. Rev: Aphrodite, wearing crown, seated on throne left, holding phiale or apple. No star. Denomination mark B to the left Ref: MacDonald 597 Unlisted variant (variant - no star)
Ininthimeus. 234/235-238/239 AD. Æ Two Denarii 20mm, 8.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ININΘIMЄOY, bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem, vis-a-vis bust of Aphrodite Apatura left, draped, wearing head veil and calathos. Rev: Aphrodite, wearing crown, seated on throne left, holding phiale or apple, holding scepter in left hand, star above right hand Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 681
Ininthimeus. 234/235-238/239 AD. Æ Two Denarii 22mm, 6.14g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ININΘIMHYOY, bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem, vis-a-vis bust of Aphrodite Apatura left, draped, wearing head veil and calathos Rev: Aphrodite, wearing crown, seated on throne left, holding phiale or apple, nothing in left hand, star above right hand. Ref: Unlisted variant
Ininthimeus. 234/235-238/239 AD. Æ Two Denarii 22mm, 5.70g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ININΘIMHYOY, bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem, vis-a-vis bust of Aphrodite Apatura left, draped, wearing head veil and calathos Rev: Aphrodite, wearing crown, seated on throne left, holding phiale or apple. Star to the right, denomination mark B to the lower left Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 684
Ininthimeus. 234/235-238/239 AD. Æ Two Denarii 23mm, 7.60g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ININΘIMHYOY, bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem, vis-a-vis bust of Aphrodite Apatura left, draped, wearing head veil and calathos Rev: Aphrodite, wearing crown, seated on throne left, holding phiale or apple. No star, denomination mark B covered with countermark (?). Countermark emperor in circle type Golenko 13, p.46 (Contermarks on Bosporus copper coins of the 3-rd Century A.D). Ref: Unlisted variant
Ininthimeus. 234/235-238/239 AD. Æ Two Denarii 20mm, 8.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ININΘIMЄOY, bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem, vis-a-vis bust of Aphrodite Apatura left, draped, wearing head veil and calathos. Unidentified countermark - possibly type Golenko 5, p.46 (Contermarks on Bosporus copper coins of the 3-rd Century A.D). Rev: Aphrodite, wearing crown, seated on throne left, holding phiale or apple. No star, denomination mark B to the uppr left Ref: Unlisted variant
Ininthimeus. 234/235-238/239 AD. Æ Two Denarii 21mm, 6.37g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC INΘIMЄOY, bust of king right, draped, wearing diadem Rev: Aphrodite, wearing crown, seated on throne left, holding phiale or apple. Star to the upper left above hand. Ref: MacDonald 600/2 Unlisted variant (Note: MacDonald legend ININΘIMЄOY)
Rhescuporis IV 242/243 AD - 276/277 AD:
Rheskuporis IV. 246-247 AD. AR Stater 19mm, 7.20g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPI, bust of king right Rev: ГMФ (246/247), bust of emperor right, star in front of the bust. Ref: Unlisted variant (legend PHCKOПOPI, star in front of bust on reverse)
Rheskuporis IV. 246-247 AD. AR Stater 20mm, 7.19g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPI, bust of king right Rev: ГMФ (246/247), bust of emperor right, club in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 605/1 Unlisted variant (legend PHCKOПOPI)
Rheskuporis IV. 245-246 AD. AR Stater left-20mm,7.38g; right-21mm,7.02g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPIΔOC, bust of king right Rev: BMФ (245/246), bust of emperor right, club in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 604/1
Rheskuporis IV. 243-244 AD. AR Stater 21mm, 6.36g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPIΔOC, bust of king right Rev: (243/244), bust of emperor right, club in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 602
Rheskuporis IV. 242-276 (3-rd series) AD. Æ 2 Denarii 15mm, 3.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale or apple(?), star to the lower right. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 721
Rheskuporis IV. 242-276 (3-rd series) AD. Æ 2 Denarii 16mm, 4.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale or apple(?), star to the upper right. Ref: MacDonald 626/2
Rheskuporis IV. 242-276 (2-nd series) AD. Æ 2 Denarii 19mm, 3.66g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, right hand raised, B below hand to the left. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 720
Rheskuporis IV. 242-276 (1-st series) AD. Æ 2 Denarii 18mm, 5.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale or apple(?), B to the lower left below hand, star to the upper right. Ref: Unlisted (variant #4 - B to the lower left below hand, star to the upper right)
Rheskuporis IV. 242-276 (1-st series) AD. Æ 2 Denarii 22mm, 5.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale or apple(?), B reversed to the upper left, star to the right. Ref: Unlisted (variant #3 - B reversed to the left)
Rheskuporis IV. 242-276 (1-st series) AD. Æ 2 Denarii left-21mm,6.40g ; rignt-18mm,3.36g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale or apple(?), B upper left, star  right. Ref: Anokhin (Bosp.86) 719 (variant #1-B left)
Rheskuporis IV. 242-276 (1-st series) AD. Æ 2 Denarii 19mm, 5.05g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right. Rev: Aphrodite Apatura seated on throne left, wearing crown and holding phiale or apple(?), star to the upper left, B reversed to the right. Ref: Unlisted (variant #2 - B reversed to the right)
Rheskuporis IV. 251-252 AD. AR Stater left-20mm,7.40g; right -20mm,7.02g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPI (no Δ?) bust of king right Rev: HMФ (251/252), bust of emperor right, two pellets in front of bust. Ref: MacDonald 610/10 (no Δ?)
Rheskuporis IV. 251-252 AD. AR Stater left-19mm,7.31g ; right 20mm,7.07g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPI, bust of king right, axe in front Rev: HMФ (251/252), bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 610 Unlisted variant (Axe in front of bust on obverse)
Rheskuporis IV. 252-253 AD. AR Stater left-20mm, 7.49g; right-19mm, 7.09g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPI, bust of king right Rev: ΘMФ (252/253), bust of emperor right, star in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 611/1
Rheskuporis IV. 267-268 AD. AR Stater 20mm,7.10g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ΔƵФ (267/268), denomination mark K (=20), bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 623 (variant #2 - legend  PHCKOYПOPIΔOC)
Rheskuporis IV. 267-268 AD. AR Stater 22mm, 7.20g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔO, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ΔƵФ (267/268), denomination mark K (=20), bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 623 (variant #1- legend PHCKOYПOPIΔO)
Rheskuporis IV. 266-267 AD. Æ/AR Stater left-22mm,7.10g; right-21mm,7.4g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ-OC(left) -O(right), bust of king r., trident in front. Rev: ГƵФ (266/267), denomin. mark K (=20), bust of emperor r. Ref: MacDonald 622 Unlisted (variant #3 - king's bust bearded type2, legend with -OC left, and -O right)
Rheskuporis IV. 266-267 AD. Æ Stater 21mm, 8.10g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ГƵФ (266/267), denomination mark K (=20), bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 622 (variant #2 - king's bust bearded type2)
Rheskuporis IV. 266-267 AD. AR Stater. left-21mm, 6.70g ; right-20mm, 6.85g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ГƵФ (266/267), denomination mark K (=20), bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 622 Unlisted (variant #1 - king's bust beardless(?) type1, legend with -OC)
Rheskuporis IV. 265-266 AD. AR Stater. 21mm, 7.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: BƵФ (265/266), denomination mark K (=20), bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 621/2
Rheskuporis IV. 265-266 AD. AR Stater. 21mm, 7.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: BƵФ (265/266), denomination mark I (=10), bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 621/1
Rheskuporis IV. 264-265 AD. AR Stater. left-20mm,7.30g ; right-21mm,7.20g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: AƵФ (265/266), denomination mark I (=10),bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 620/3
Rheskuporis IV. 263-264 AD. AR Stater. 18mm, 7.94g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ƵФ (263/264), bust of two draped emperors wearind laurel wreaths vis-a-vis, pellet between busts. Ref: MacDonald 619/1
Rheskuporis IV. 262-263 AD. Æ Stater 20mm, 7.80g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right Rev: ΘNФ (262/263), bust of two draped emperors wearind laurel wreaths vis-a-vis, pellet between busts. Ref: MacDonald 618
Rheskuporis IV. 261-262AD. AR Stater 19mm, 7.08g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔO, bust of king right Rev: HNФ (261/262), bust of two draped emperors wearing laurel wreaths vis-a-vis, pellet between busts. Ref: MacDonald 617/2, Unlisted variant (no C at the end of the legend)
Rheskuporis IV. 258-259 AD. Æ Stater 19mm, 6.79g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right Rev: ЄNФ (258/259), bust of emperor wearing laurel wreaths right, club in front of bust. Ref: Unlisted type (no staters recorded for that year in any catalog)
Rheskuporis IV. 254-255 AD. Æ Stater 19mm, 7.70g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔOC, bust of king right Rev: ANФ (254/255), bust of emperor wearing laurel wreaths right, trident in front of bust. Ref: MacDonald 613/1
Rheskuporis IV. 252-253 AD. AR/Æ Stater 19mm, 7.72g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPI, bust of king right Rev: ΘMФ (252/253), bust of emperor right, two pellets in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 611/4 (Note: MacDonald legend PHCKOYПOPIΔOC)
Rheskuporis IV. 251-252AD. AR Stater 20mm, 7.45g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPIC, bust of king right Rev: HMФ (251/252) bust of emperor wearing laurel wreath, trident in front of bust two pellets below trident(?). Ref: MacDonald 610 (Unlisted variant - two pellets below trident(?)
Rheskuporis IV. 251-252AD. AR Stater left-19mm,7.55g; right-19mm, 7.43g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPI (no C?) bust of king right Rev: HMФ (251/252) bust of emperor wearing laurel wreath, trident in front of bust. Ref: MacDonald 610/9 (no C? in legend)
Rheskuporis IV. 251-252AD. AR Stater 20mm, 7.19g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPI (no C?), bust of king right Rev: HMФ (251/252) bust of emperor wearing laurel wreath, club in front of bust. Ref: MacDonald 610/7 (no C ? in the legend)
Rheskuporis IV. 250-251 AD. AR Stater 20mm, 7.40g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHKOПOPIΔ, bust of king right Rev: ZMФ (250/251), bust of emperor wearing laurel wreath, trident in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 609/3 (Unlisted variant - legend PHKOПOPIΔ)
Rheskuporis IV. 250-251 AD. AR Stater 20mm, 7.39g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPIΔ, bust of king right Rev: Z(Z reversed) (250/251), bust of emperor right, star in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 609/2
Rheskuporis IV. 250-251 AD. AR Stater left-20mm,7.70g ; right-17mm,7.75g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPIΔ, bust of king right Rev: ZMФ (250/251), bust of emperor right, club in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 609/1
Rheskuporis IV. 249-250 AD. AR Stater 19mm, 7.46g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ bust of king right Rev: ςMФ (249/250), bust of emperor right, star in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 608/2
Rheskuporis IV. 249-250 AD. AR Stater 19mm, 7.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔ bust of king right Rev: ςMФ (249/250), bust of emperor right, club in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 608/1
Rheskuporis IV. 248-249 AD. AR/Æ Stater 20mm, 8.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPIΔOC,bust of king right Rev: ЄMФ (248/249), bust of emperor right, star in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 607/2 Unlisted variant (Note: MacDonald legend PHCKOYПOPIΔO)
Rheskuporis IV. 248-249 AD. AR/Æ Stater 20mm, 7.57g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOПOPIΔO, bust of king right Rev: ЄMФ (248/249), bust of emperor right, star in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 607/2
Rheskuporis IV. 248-249 AD. AR Stater left-20mm,7.12g ; right-20mm,7.70g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIΔO, bust of king right Rev: ЄMФ (248/249), bust of emperor right, club in front of the bust. Ref: MacDonald 607/1
Enlarged date
Pharsazes 253/254 AD - 254/255 AD:
Sauromates IV 275/276 AD:
Teiranes 275/276 AD - 278/279 AD:
Pharsanzes. 253-254 AD. AR Stater 19mm, 7.49g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ФAPCANZOY, bust of king right. Rev: NФ (253/254) bust of emperor right, two pellets in front of bust. Ref: MacDonald 627/2
Sauromates IV. 275-276 AD. AR Stater 21mm, 5.98g Obv: BACIΛЄωC CAYPOMATOY, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: BOФ (275/276) bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 629/2
Teiranes. 276-277 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.6g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC TЄIRANOY, bust of king right. Rev: ГOФ (276/277), bust of emperor right Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 727
Thorthorses 285/286 AD - 309/310 AD:
Thorthorses. 287-288 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm,7.10g ; right-20mm,7.57g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: ГПФ (286/287), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 635/1
(variant#1-with monogram)
Thorthorses. 287-288 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 8.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: ΔПФ (287/288), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 636 (variant #1 - monogram type1)
monogram type 1
monogram type 2
Thorthorses. 287-288 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.29g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: ΔПФ (287/288), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 636 (variant #2 - monogram type2)
Thorthorses. 289-290 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm,7.60g; right-20mm, 8.47g Obv:BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: ςПФ (289/290), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 638
Thorthorses. 290-291 AD. Æ Stater. left-18mm,7.09g ; right-18mm,7.34g Obv:BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: ZПФ (290/291), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 639, Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 736 (variant #1 - Z normal)
Thorthorses. 290-291 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: ZПФ (290/291) - reversed Z, bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 639, Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 736 Unlisted (variant #2 - Z reversed)
Thorthorses. 291-292 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm,7.60g ; right-20mm,7.92g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: HПФ (291/292), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 737
Thorthorses. 291-292 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: ФПH (291/292), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 640/2
Thorthorses. 293-294 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 6.86g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: qФ (293/294), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 738, MacDonald 641
Thorthorses. 294-295 AD. Æ Stater. 18mm, 7.16g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right. Rev: AqФ (294/295), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 739, MacDonald 642/4
Thorthorses. 295-296 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.50g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, trident before bust. Rev: BqФ (295/296), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref:MacDonald 643/1
Thorthorses. 295-296 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.08 g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, pellet before bust. Rev: BqФ (295/296), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 643/2
Thorthorses. 295-296 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.50g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, cross before bust. Rev: b (295/296), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: Unlisted type (cross in front of bust, "b" in mint year)
Thorthorses. ??? AD. Æ Stater. left-18mm,7.20g; right-19mm,7.60g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, trident before bust. Rev: BЯФ BqФ ? (295/296), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: Unlisted type (error BЯФ or unidentified mint year?)
Thorthorses. 296-297 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm, 7.59g ; right-19mm, 7.70g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, trident in front Rev: ГqФ (296/297), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 644/1
Thorthorses. 297-298 AD. Æ Stater. left-20mm,8.00g ; right-20mm, 7.52g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, cross in front Rev: dqФ (297/298), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus 1986) 742B
Thorthorses. 296-297 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm,6.30g ; right-20mm,6.70g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, 3 pellets in front Rev: ΔqФ (297/298), bust of emperor right, 3 pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 645/3
Thorthorses. 305-306 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 6.97g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, three pellets before Rev: BX (305/306), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 653
Thorthorses. 304-305 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.68g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, three pellets before Rev: AX (304/305), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 652
Thorthorses. 300-301 AD. Æ Stater. 18mm, 7.64g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right Rev: Z (300/301) - reversed Z, bust of emperor right,  monogram. Ref: MacDonald 648/2 Unlisted variant (variant #2 - reversed Z)
Thorthorses. 303-304 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.68g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, three pellets before Rev: X (303/304), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 651
Thorthorses. 302-303 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.70g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, three pellets before Rev: ΘqΦ (300/301), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 650/1
Thorthorses. 301-302 AD. Æ Stater. 18mm, 7.24g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, three pellets before Rev: HqΦ (301/302), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 649/3
Thorthorses. 300-301 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 6.60g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, three pellets before Rev: ZqΦ (300/301), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 648/1 (variant #1 - Z normal)
Thorthorses. 299-300 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 8.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, cross before. Rev: ςqΦ (299/300), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: Unlisted variant (variant #3 - cross on obverse)
Thorthorses. 299-300 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.30g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCO-Y(?), bust of king right, three pelletsm (2 above/1 below) before. Rev: ςqΦ (299/300), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: Unlisted variant (variant #2 - three pellets 2 above/ 1below on obverse)
Thorthorses. 299-300 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 8.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCO-Y(?), bust of king right, three pellets (1 above/2 below) before Rev: ςqΦ (299/300), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 647/1 (variant #1 - three pellets 1 above/2 below on obverse)
Thorthorses. 298-299 AD. Æ Stater. left-20mm,7.50g ; right-20mm,7.71g Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, B reversed in front Rev: ЄqФ (298/299), bust of emperor right, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 646/3
Thorthorses. 298-299 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC ΘOΘωPCOY, bust of king right, three pellets in front Rev: ЄqФ (298/299), bust of emperor right, three pellets behind bust, monogram. Ref: MacDonald 646/1
Rhadamsadius 309/310 AD - 318/319 AD:
Rhescuporis V 318/319 AD - 336/337 AD:
Rhadamsadius. 318-319 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 6.98g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PAΔAMY, bust of king right, wearing diadem. Rev: EIX (below bust) [318/319], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 668 Unlisted variant (Y in legend instead of ω)
Rhadamsadius. 317-318 AD. Æ Stater. left-20mm,6.32g; right-20mm,6.73g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PAΔAMCAΔIC, bust of king right, wearing diadem. Rev: ΔIX (below bust) [317/318], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 667
Rhadamsadius. 310-311 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 6.60g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PAΔAMCAΔI, bust of king right, wearing diadem. Rev: ZX (below bust) [310/311], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 660
Rhadamsadius. 311-312 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 8.27g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PAΔAMCAΔIC, bust of king right, wearing diadem. Rev: XH (below bust) [311/312], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 661 Unlisted variant (C in the legend)?
Rhadamsadius. 314-315 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 6.67g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PAΔAMCAΔI, bust of king right, wearing diadem. Rev: AIX (below bust) [314/315], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 664
Rhadamsadius. 316-317 AD. Æ Stater.18mm, 7.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PAΔAMCAΔ(?), bust of king right, wearing diadem. Rev: ГIX (below bust) [316/317], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 666 Unlisted variant (Y in legend instead of ω)
Rhadamsadius. 316-317 AD. Æ Stater.19mm, 6.99g Obv: BACIΛЄYC PAΔAMCAΔ(?), bust of king right, wearing diadem. Rev: ГIX (below bust) [316/317], bust of emperor right, no club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 666 Unlisted variant (Y in legend instead of ω. no club)
Rheskuporis V. 341-342 AD. Æ Stater. left- 19mm, 7.61g; right-20mm, 6.66g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, wreath in front of the bust. Rev: HΛX [341/342], bust of emperor right, branch of a palm right Ref: MacDonald 690
Rheskuporis V. 334-335 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 5.80g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC (?)-worn, bust of king right. Rev: A(left field) Λ(right field) X(off flan?) [334/335], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald NOTE: specimen not numbered, between 688 and 689
Rheskuporis V. 331-332 AD. Æ Stater. 21mm, 7.80g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC bust of king with trident in front of the bust. Rev: H(?)KX (below bust) [331/332], bust of emperor right with eagle holding wreath in beak Ref: Unlisted type
Rheskuporis V. 328-329 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.68g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC  bust of king with wreath in front of the bust. Rev: EK(left field) X(right field) [328/329], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 684/2
Rheskuporis V. 324-325 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 6.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC  bust of king with wreath in front of the bust. Rev: K - reversed, ΔK(left field) X(right field) [323/324], bust of emperor right Ref: Barbaric Imitation
Rheskuporis V. 327-328 AD. Æ Stater. left- 18mm,7.20g ; right-19mm,6.28g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC bust of king with wreath in front of the bust. Rev: ΔK(left field) X(right field) [327/328], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 683/8
Rheskuporis V. 327-328 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.52g. Obv: BACIΛЄOC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king right, nothing in front of the bust. Rev: dKX (below bust) [327/328], bust of emperor right, nothing in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 683 Unlisted variant
Rheskuporis V. 327-328 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 6.89g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: dKX (below bust) [327/328], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 683/2
Rheskuporis V. 327-328 AD. Æ Stater. 18mm, 7.28g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king right, wreath in front of the bust. Rev: dKX (below bust) [327/328], bust of emperor right, club in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 683/4
Rheskuporis V. 326-327 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm,6.60g ; right-19mm,7.31g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: ΓKX (below bust) [326/327], bust of emperor right Ref: Anokhin (Bosp.86') 772Б (variant #3 - ΓKX below bust, I in PICKOYПOPIC)
Rheskuporis V. 326-327 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.70g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: ΓK(left field) X(right field) [326/327], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 682/9 (variant #2 - ΓK left field, X right field, I in PICKOYПOPIC)
Rheskuporis V. 326-327 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 8.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: Γ(left field) KX(right field) [326/327], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 682/9 (variant #1 - Γ left field , KX right field)
Rheskuporis V. 326-327 AD. Æ Stater. left- 19mm,8.00g ; right-19mm,6.97g Obv: BACIΛЄωC  PIKOYПOP(?) bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: ΓKX(below bust) [326/327], bust of emperor right, Nike holding wreath Ref: MacDonald 682/5
Rheskuporis V. 326-327 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.40g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHKOYПOPI(?) worn, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ΓKX(below bust) [326/327], bust of emperor right, star to the right Ref: MacDonald 682/2
Rheskuporis V. 326-327 AD. Æ Stater 20mm, 7.90g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIIC(?) bust of king, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ΓKX(below bust) [326/327], bust of emperor right with eagle holding wreath in beak. Ref: MacDonald 682/1 Unlisted variant (?), legend with error - double I (?)
Rheskuporis V. 325-326 AD. Æ Stater. 21mm, 7.88g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king with bident in front of the bust. Rev: BK(left field) X(right field) [325/326], bust of emperor right Ref: Barbaric Imitation
Rheskuporis V. 325-326 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king with wreath in front of the bust. Rev: BK(left field) X(right field) [325/326], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 681/10 Unlisted variant (I in PICKOYПOPIC)
Rheskuporis V. 325-326 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.22g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PHCKOYПOPIC bust of king with wreath in front of the bust. Rev: BKX(below) [325/326], bust of emperor right, star in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 681/9, Anokhin (Bosp.86') 771e
Rheskuporis V. 325-326 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 6.54g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PHCKOYПOPI bust of king with star in front of the bust. Rev: BKX(below) [325/326], bust of emperor right, Nike on globe holding wreath Ref: MacDonald 681/8
Rheskuporis V. 324-325 AD. Æ Stater left-19mm,7.24g; rigth-19mm,7.25g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC bust of king, trident in front. Rev: AKX (below bust) [324/325], bust of emperor r. with eagle holding wreath in beak, drape protruding behind bust. Ref: MacDonald 680/3
Rheskuporis V. 324-325 AD. Æ Stater left-19mm,7.50g; right-19mm,8.50g Obv: BACIΛЄYC PICKOYПOPIC  bust of king, wreath in front. Rev: AK(left field) X(right field) [324/325], bust of emperor r. Ref:MacDonald 680 Unlisted variant (Y in BACIΛЄYC, I in PICKOYПOPIC)
Rheskuporis V. 323-324 AD. Æ Stater left- 20mm,9.40g ; right-20mm,7.70g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC bust of king, trident in front of the bust. Rev: KX(below bust) [323/324], bust of emperor right with eagle holding wreath in beak, drape protruding behind the bust. Ref: MacDonald 679/3
Rheskuporis V. 323-324 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.25g. Obv: BACIΛЄOC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king with wreath in front of the bust. Rev: K(left field) X(right field) [323/324], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 679/1 (variant #3 - O in BACIΛЄOC and I in PICKOYПOPIC) Unlisted variant
Rheskuporis V. 323-324 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 8.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PICKOYПOPIC bust of king with wreath in front of the bust. Rev: K(left field) X(right field) [323/324], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 679/1 (variant #2 - Y in BACIΛЄYC and I in PICKOYПOPIC) Unlisted variant
Rheskuporis V. 323-324 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 8.10g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC(?) PHKOYПOPIC  bust of king with wreath (?) in front of the bust. Rev: K(left field) X(right field) [323/324], bust of emperor right Ref: MacDonald 679/1 (variant #1 -  Y in BACIΛЄYC) Unlisted variant
Rheskuporis V. 322-323 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.80g. Obv: BACIΛЄYC PICKOYПOPIΔ, bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: Θ(left field) IX(right field) [322/323], bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 678/3 Unlisted variant (variant #3 - Y in BACIΛЄYC and I, Δ in  PICKOYПOPIΔ)
Rheskuporis V. 322-323 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm,7.60g; right-19mm,6.31g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king r., wreath in front. Rev: ΘI(left field) X(right field) [322/323], bust of emperor right, drape protruding behind bust Ref: MacDonald 678/3 Unlisted variant (variant #2-drape protruding behind bust)
Rheskuporis V. 322-323 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.55g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: ΘI(left field) X(right field) [322/323], bust of emperor right. Ref: MacDonald 678/3 (variant #1 - no drape protruding behind the bust)
Rheskuporis V. 321-322 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.09g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, wreath in front of the bust. Rev: HIX(below bust) [321/322], bust of emperor right, bident in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 677/5
Rheskuporis V. 321-322 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.00g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: HIX(below bust) [321/322], bust of emperor right, bident in front of bust Ref: MacDonald 677/1
Rheskuporis V. 321-322 AD. Æ Stater.19mm, 6.73g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: HI(left field) X(right field) [321/322], bust of emperor right, drape protruding behind the bust Ref: MacDonald 677/2
Rheskuporis V. 321-322 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 6.50g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: HI(left field) X(right field) [321/322], bust of emperor right, drape protruding behind the bust, no trident Ref: MacDonald 677/3, Unlisted variant
Rheskuporis V. 321-322 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 7.23g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC (worn), bust of king right, small wreath in front of the bust. Rev: X(left field) HI(right field) [321/322] H above I, bust of emperor right, Ref: Anokhin (Bosporus1986) 767 б
Rheskuporis V. 319-320 AD. Æ Stater. 19mm, 6.85g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: ςIX(below bust) [319/320], bust of emperor right, bident Ref: MacDonald 675/3
Rheskuporis V. 319-320 AD. Æ Stater. 20mm, 7.60g. Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPIC, bust of king right, trident in front of the bust. Rev: FIX(below bust) [319/320], bust of emperor right, bident Ref: MacDonald 675/4
Rheskuporis V. 320-321 AD. Æ Stater. left-19mm,6.90g; right- 19mm,7.10g Obv: BACIΛЄωC PHCKOYПOPI, bust of king right, trident in front. Rev: ZIX(below bust) - reversed Z [320/321], bust of emperor right, bident in front Ref: MacDonald 676 Unlisted variant (reversed Z)